Saturday, September 25, 2010

Back at Work

In case you didn't guess this already I am back at work full-time! And wow, can you say "busy"? Thank god Christopher is cooperating and not kicking up a fuss every morning when I leave for the day and in today's case for a week.

It's a whole new world of organization and exhaustion being a FT working mom. I am very fortunate to have lots of help here at the house. More on that another time.

Off to LAX for the week...I have to admit that even though I will miss the little guy A LOT, I am very much looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Little Out of Touch

Okay so I have no excuse really for not having posted for the last um, month. Fact is I just didn't realize that it's been that long! So much for becoming an interesting blog...

Well, let's see what can I tell you?

Christopher is growing like a weed. He's almost 19lbs at nearly 5 months of age. Yes, that's right it's been 5 months more or less since he arrived on the scene and I am more in love today than ever before. You see, his little personality is starting to show. He's super cute and giggly 90% of the time with a developing love of talking. Ever time I turn around he is trying to get my attention by vocalizing something or other - it's very sweet. In other developments, Christopher is rolling over; I call it 'canoodling' and he loves to canoodle. So much so that I can't leave him alone on the floor for more than a minute or two or he rolls away! It won't be too much longer before he is trying to walk. He loves to 'stand' and tries to walk when I put him in the Jolly Jumper. Did I mention solids yet? We started a little taste of rice cereal 2 weeks ago & so far he loves it...carrots are next but not for another few weeks. Who knew that learning to eat was such a process?

You may remember that I waxed on (too much so in retrospect) about the lack of sleep in this house. Well I am happy to report that we are all getting a good nights' sleep more nights than not. Yep, I have successfully sleep trained Christopher to fall asleep. This means that if he does wake in the middle of the night that I no longer need to help him back to sleep! He can do it all by himself. YEAH! Love me that 8 hours straight of sleep!

A good friend of mine asked me if I had developed any hobbies while at home. At the time I couldn't imagine how I could possibly find the time for a hobby. A couple of months have since passed and now I would gladly say that yes I have developed at least one hobby - baking. Or at least I am trying to learn how to bake. Cookies are a no-brainer as is banana bread and the odd muffin. But what I am really hoping to master is bread! I love fresh, home made bread. Suffice to say that everyone says that bread is 'easy'. Well it's 'easy' for everyone but me. My first batch was terrible. The second try was a bit better but still not great and that's as far as I've gotten. We'll see what happens next week. I am going to go for a third batch, fingers crossed.

Okay, so we're all updated now. Except for one last bit of news - I am going back to work. Yep, I'll be returning to work in September. I am very happy about this and I think that it will help me be a better mother. Fact is, as much as I am in love with my son & get a real thrill out of watching him grow and develop, I am bored stiff most days. I need more than this.'s off to work I go!

Ciao for now & I promise, it won't be another month before the next post.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Road Trip

I love a good road trip...apparently so does Christopher. We successfully went to Seattle for the weekend - two nights in a hotel, three days of driving, shopping and a very messed up routine!

Shopping therapy works wonders for the slightly bored, stay at home mom. I found it especially cathartic this time around. There is something about the whole ritual of searching for a given item, finding it and then acquiring it! I suppose some might find shopping a completely mundane, shallow past time but I say pooh! Having said that I also realized that pre-baby, I spent a lot of time shopping. Read this as acknowledgement that I spent too much time shopping. A little time every now and then is innocent, nay it's likely necessary (we all need to buy things like groceries, clothes and SHOES!) but not every day. I'll use my profession and my excuse for being tempted to shop daily!

Well other than the therapy I also spent some serious quality time with Nancy, my cousin-in-law. I am certain that Christopher is in love with her, I suppose it could be the funny German lullaby's or maybe it's that Nancy is in love with him. Whatever it is, we three got on great and I look forward to another road trip in the fall!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Feeling Productive...again

Everyone has some method for telling themselves whether or not it's been a "good day". For me I've had a good day when lots of things have 'gotten done'; we spoke about my never ending lists of things to 'get done' a few months ago, perhaps you remember my confessions on this topic. Well today was a really good day. The little guy and I got lots of things done, together and separately.

Christopher spent lots of time on his tummy today! While you and I may not truly appreciate how important this is, he really needs to this for his development. His little arms and neck need this daily workout for muscle development as well as learning the motor skills to eventually crawl and pull himself up. He also spent time learning to hold onto his favorite toy - Mr. Octopus. I'm telling you this toy is like baby crack...he sees it and the giggles, oohs and aaahs are none stop. It's really very adorable and make me laugh every time.

My list of things include mundane little things like laundry (which I now do at least 4 times a week) & making granola as well as big projects such as organizing & sorting thru multiple boxes of what is left of my mom's & uncle's belongings. It's amazing really, the whole process of tidying up the leftover's from an other's life. I spent the rest of the day looking at all of the 'stuff' that I own and am left to wonder 'why?'. Why exactly do I own all of the little knick-knacky sorts of things & who will be burdened with sorting thru it all when I pass away?

Perhaps it's a sign that I need to go through it all and free selected items to cheer others while I enjoy the calm that comes with an uncluttered space and sense of accomplishment for having completed one of my tasks!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Something to Say

Yes I know it's been almost a month since my last post but frankly, I haven't had much new to share. I think it's rather dull to post on the same things every day or even weekly. You are all already aware of the struggles regarding sleep, routine and my own personal identity crisis. BUT...

I have something new to share. Christopher is developing quite the little personality. He loves to 'talk' now and is becoming somewhat attached to certain toys. I wanted to load a video but the file is too big...! If you want to see it, email me and I'll forward the zip file to you.

Another development is that I am starting to enjoy my time with the little guy. I had a feeling that once he became a little more interactive and responsive that this would happen. It also helps that we are all getting more sleep the past few weeks...this is thanks to Michael. Daddy is now the king of getting Christopher down at night for more than 2 or 3 hours in a row. In speaking with other new moms I am quite fortunate that Michael helps out as much as he does. Some of the women that I've met are doing literally everything at home & taking care of their infants on their own. OMG, I feel for them!


Saturday, April 3, 2010


As you all know I have been obsessed with sleep or rather the unpredictable nature of Christopher's sleep patterns. This has lead me to have an unpredictable sleep pattern, more like a non-existent sleep pattern as on no sleep.

I am happy to report that for now it seems that we have established a regular bedtime for the little guy! YEAH! WOOT, WOOT! Tonight marks the 3rd night in a row that we begin the bedtime routine around 7:15pm to 7:30pm and he is sound asleep by 8:00pm, maybe 8:30pm & get this - he has been sleeping for up to 6 hours in a row!...did I mention that he is also now sleeping in his very own bedroom? Yes, we made the leap two nights ago & let me tell you, it's made a world of difference for me. No more listening to his nightly grunts & snoring, wondering "is he awake, do I need to feed him?" This is important in that half the time, I did not need to feed him & only succeeded in waking him up!

So, how was this momentous feat accomplished? Routine, Routine, Routine & determination & patience. But really it's the consistency that helps set him up for sleep. We just need to stay vigilant over the next period of time to ensure that the behaviour is really set, if we mess up even one or two nights and all could be lost. Next step...daytime naps!

The benefit of this newly developed sleep pattern? Michael & I get to spend time doing something other than taking care of Christopher. Some may find that a callous statement but the truth is that one cannot be happy and balanced if all one does is tend to baby's needs. We need time for ourselves & time together, even if all that is is sitting quietly on the sofa in the same room together. Tonight however, I am off to bed early...I want to enjoy my potential sleep of 6 hours back to back!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Christopher and I have just returned from a visit to Toronto. We were there to visit with Michael's family...his sisters and their fabulous spouses and kid's as well as his parents.

Let me just say this, Michael has a really great family. I think that I am one of the few people who will openly and enthusiastically say that I love my in-laws.
Hilde, now known as "Oma" deserves saint status - She has taught me more about being patient with the little guy than I ever thought possible. Oma has the "magic" touch when it comes to babies. Like my father (grandpa), no matter what was going on with Christopher she simply cuddled, coo'd and rocked him until the gas pain passed or he decided that he'd said his piece and was done for the time being.

Michael has twin sisters - Mary & Susie. They both have 2 children, much older than Christopher. They are both wonderful with children; patient, supportive, understanding and I think most importantly, non-judgmental...just very even keeled or least this is the energy that I see when I'm with them.

I can only hope that I grow into this role in a similar fashion. I want to be patient and even keeled and supportive and non-judgemental and loving in a way that allows my son to become a whole person.